Professional Experience
Dr. Clark serves Accenture’s Google Business Group as a Global Product and Offering Lead. Prior to Accenture, Dr. Clark built and scaled a data and Ai services company that served Life Sciences and Tech companies in San Diego. Dr. Clark is a professor at UCSD Rady School of Management and USD. As an academic, Dr. Clark has held multiple roles preparing business to deploy Ml and Ai at scale. At, UCSD, Dr. Clark has built custom business trainings for companies to optimize and scale their use of data across the business. At USD, Dr. Clark served as the Director of Research and Evaluation where she published on the use of machine learning, while also teaching the Masters in Business Analytics Capstone Course for the Knauss Business School. Dr. Clark received her PhD from Claremont Graduate University and her MSBA from the UCSD Rady School of Management.